README file for Forgotten Fields. General Information: 1. Title of dataset. Forgotten Fields: Tithe survey data of the lower Rother valley, West Sussex, c.1840. 2. Date of deposit. 13/03/2019 3. PI / Author (or equivalent) Alastair Pearson 4. Project Forgotten Fields 5. Funding information. The production of the data ( and map (Tithe_landuse_Final.pdf) was part funded by the South Downs National Park Authority and the National Trust. West Sussex County Record Office provided the high-resolution scanned images of the tithe maps together with the apportionment schedules in spreadsheet format. 6. Data collection information: i) Date/time period of collection Data production: 15/09/2012 to 17/07/2018 Temporal Coverage of original Tithe data: 1837-1851 ii) Geographic location of collection (if applicable) South Downs National Park, England (51,-0.725) Sharing & Access (only relevant if sharing data) 7. State licence(s) for use. CC BY 8. Any restrictions. None 9. Request for Access contact (if applicable). N/A 10. Information on outputs/publications that cite or use the data. For further details please refer to Pearson, A.W., P. J. Soar and Carter, P. (2019) ‘Forgotten Fields: Mid-nineteenth century land use and characterisation in the South Downs National Park using the Tithe Surveys of England and Wales’ by Alastair Pearson, Philip Soar and Paul Carter, Journal of Maps. See also Pearson, A.W. and P. J. Soar (2018) ‘Meadowlands in time: Re-envisioning the lost meadows of the Rother valley, West Sussex, UK’, Landscape History, Vol.39. Issue 1, 25-55. Data Overview: 11. List data files. Attributes_definition.docx Map_Design.docx Tithe_landuse_Final.pdf 12. Explain any relationships between files. '' contains the map data (Esri shapefile). The 'Attributes_definition.docx' lists the attribute table definitons, and 'Map_Design.docx' documents the map design. The 'Tithe_landuse_Final.pdf' is the pdf version of the final land use map. 13. For each file: i) Description of content See 12 above. ii) If not embedded within the file(s) provide variable metadata, missing data definitions etc. - iii) Details of any specialised formats or abbreviations See 12 above. Methodological Information: 14. Link to methodology description / or brief description of method. As described in the associated publications. 15. Describe any quality assurance procedures. As described in the associated publications. 16. Any specific information required to interpret/use the data e.g. specific instrumentation/software information. The main software requirements were met by Environmental Systems Research Institute's (Esri) ArcMap®. The images were georeferenced to the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain’s (OSGB) National Grid using existing large-scale 1:2,500 vector data (target data) in the form of the OSGB Mastermap® (OSMM). The data is in Esri’s shapefile vector data storage format. A table of the definitions, listing the attribute, its type, length and description is included with a document explaining the map design.